Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Trademark Mesmerize is trademark of Typodermic Fonts Inc. If you have purchased a License to use the Font Software in a sealed retail package and do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, return it unopened to the place of purchase for a full refund. Linotype GmbH can be contacted at: You are permitted to use the Font Software in the creation of Logos. Copyright Copyright c by TypeTogether. You may not copy or distribute this font software. font amertype md bt

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No ownership right is granted by this License Agreement.

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Linotype GmbH can be contacted at: TypeTogether retains all right and title to the Font Software, the trademarks, copyrights and the designs embodied in the Font Software. If you have purchased a License to use the Font Software in a sealed retail package and do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, return it unopened to the place of purchase for a full refund. License By using or installing this font data, you or you on behalf of your employer agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

This license does not permit the temporary use of the Font Software by temporary employees, freelancers or independent contractors in excess of the number of Authorized Users. Generelle Lizenzbedingungen und Nutzungsrechte finden Sie unter www. Use of the Font Software on a portable computer is permitted provided that the portable computer is owned by a licensed User and is not used in excess of the Users licensed under this Agreement.

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This font is freeware: Copyright Copyright c by TypeTogether. If you are a design consultancy, advertising agency, or purchasing this License for use by or on behalf of such an organization, the ultimate end user must also purchase a License for the intended use of the Font Software.

Copyright Copyright c by Greater Albion Typefounders. The creation of more than individual PDF documents requires the purchase of a License Upgrade, which may or may not be granted.

This end user License Agreement hereinafter, EULA, License, Agreement or License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and TypeTogether for the product, designs and software that accompany this Agreement, and is also applicable to any media, printed materials, electronic documentation, updates add-ons, web services and any other material that may be associated with the product now or in the future.

See attached license agreement. If you wish to use the Font Software for such purposes, you must purchase a License Upgrade. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of Linotype GmbH. Trademark Londrina is a trademark of Marcelo Magalhaes.

Specifically, if your client will need copies of the Font Software, your client must also purchase a License. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not purchase this License, download, install, access or use the Font Software. Description Copyright c by TypeTogether.

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Use of the Font Software at more ht one geographic location requires the purchase of a License Upgrade. This font software is a valuable asset of Linotype GmbH. Satero is a trademark of Linotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Copyright Copyright c Nick Curtis. All use of the trademark associated with the Font Software inures solely to the benefit of the trademark owner. You amerfype permitted to make one 1 back-up copy of the Font Software for archival purposes only.

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This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between you fonnt Nick's Fonts. You are not permitted to embed the entire character set or substantially all of the character set comprising any Font that is subject to this License. Copyright Linotype GmbH, www. Copyright c Typodermic Fonts Inc. Trademark Abril Fatface is a trademark of TypeTogether.

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In the event you identify the Font Designs used on your products or work product, you hereby agree to identify the Font Software by trademark and the owner of the trademark in any such credits. This license is available with a FAQ at: Use of Font Software in PDF documents for sale or products utilizing other forms of embedding of the Font Amsrtype for sale for example as part of a commercial product such as a design template or an electronic book or use with a mobile device requires the purchase of a License Upgrade.

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