Tuesday, 3 December 2019


In addition, Bio-Rad is sensitive to the particular needs of regional patient populations, government guidelines and standard diagnostic laboratory practice. Immunoassay Monthly Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, and therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet. Bio-Rad External Quality Assurance Services EQAS provide you with international external quality assessment programs that survey more than 5, participants in over 90 countries. Please refer to the menu items under EQAS. Be the first to write a review! Clinical Chemistry Monthly Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly general chemistry and thyroid analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Urine Chemistry Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly basic and specialty urine chemistry analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly therapeutic drug measurements at subtherapeutic, therapeutic, and toxic levels and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Serum Proteins Program Program for testing specific serum proteins, including kappa and lambda light chains. Your email was successfully sent. eqas eforms

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Our products cover hundreds of analytes tested for thousands of methods. Our expanding line of EQAS products allows your laboratory to participate in programs covering more than analytes in a testing frequency to meet your needs.


Each cycle includes 12 high quality samples, usually provided in one convenient shipment All samples are human based View your EQAS reports online on QCNet Sophisticated method coding system for accurate peer group comparisons Extensive analyte menus with levels that challenge normal and abnormal ranges Easy-to-read reports provide detailed individual analysis and peer group comparisons based on ISO statistical processes Comprehensive End-of-Cycle Report for an overall assessment of bias over the entire cycle Certificate of Achievement issued to qualified laboratories at the end of each completed cycle Special Reports available: Bio-Rad External Quality Assurance Services EQAS provide you with international external quality assessment programs that survey more than 5, participants in over 90 countries.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly therapeutic drug measurements at subtherapeutic, therapeutic, and toxic levels and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet.

In addition, Bio-Rad is sensitive to the particular needs of regional patient populations, government guidelines and standard diagnostic laboratory practice.

Immunoassay Programs Choose from 3 programs that provide samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, or therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via Eforns. When used in conjunction with daily QC, these external programs will assist laboratories in improving analytical quality, inter-laboratory agreement, identify potential equipment or reagent failures, and identify any training deficiencies.

Bio-Rad EQAS offers several sqas programs for clinical chemistry serum and urinetherapeutic drug monitoring, immunoassay, immunology, hemoglobin, tumor marker and hematology testing. Such comprehensive products provide your laboratory with opportunities to reduce the number of vendors, purchasing costs and the burden of maintaining a multitude of products in your inventory.

External Quality Assurance Service

Be the first to write a review! Your email was successfully sent. Immunoassay Monthly Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, and therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet. Urine Chemistry Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly basic efkrms specialty urine chemistry analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet.

National Scietific Promoters

QC Products Monday, September 30, Bio-Rad software may also allow you to minimize laboratory retests through the use of one of four analytical goals: Category products includes in this area includes: EQAS eForms provides you with easy-to-use electronic data submission. Hematology Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly measurements of 11 nondifferential basic parameters and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet.

Please refer to the menu items under EQAS. Login ID Password Remember me. Results are objectively compared to other efoorms using the same methodologies, instruments and reagents.

External Quality Assurance Services (EQAS®) from Bio-Rad Laboratories

Because Bio-Rad supports the health care community throughout the world, this global perspective helps us deliver insightful, forward-looking advances. Clinical Chemistry Monthly Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly general chemistry and thyroid analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Urine Chemistry Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly basic and specialty urine chemistry analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly therapeutic drug measurements at subtherapeutic, therapeutic, and toxic levels and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Serum Proteins Program Program for testing specific serum proteins, including kappa and lambda light chains.

eqas eforms

Login ID Password Remember me. External Quality Assessment EQA programs are accepted around the world as invaluable tools used by laboratories to periodically assess their analytical performance and achieve added confidence in reporting their patient test results. Our EQAS reports are formatted for easy interpretation to allow eqs laboratory to clearly assess performance and increase confidence in patient test results.

eqas eforms

Bio-Rad Laboratories Clinical Diagnostics. Be the First to Write a Review! Samples are tested and results submitted each month.

See More Clinical Lab Services. Clinical Chemistry Monthly Eforks Program providing samples for 12 monthly general chemistry and thyroid analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet. Bio-Rad Laboratories portfolio of more than different quality control products allows your laboratory to take control of most in-vitro diagnostic test methods.

eqas eforms

Regular reports provide informative statistical analyses and valuable peer group comparisons Immunoassay Monthly Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, and therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Hemoglobin Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly hemoglobin A1C and A2 measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Hematology Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly eforrms of 11 nondifferential basic parameters and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet Blood Gas Program Monthly program for reporting of routine blood gas, electrolytes, glucose, lactate and magnesium by blood gas, ion selection electrode ISE and biosensor instrumentation Coagulation Program Program designed for the quantitative measure of basic coagulation parameters, including Protein C and Protein S Activity.

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