Thursday, 21 November 2019


Just like how he mentioned Ibu Kota and presidents in an election. Still, I will read more and more of his work! Buku ini juga mempunyai moral yang bermutu untuk kehidupan individual, dengan mengajarkan melewati contoh kasus dalam cerita tentang, "kita harus berjuang untuk kesuksesan dan kesejahteraan". Sep 04, Vinia rated it really liked it. Mulailah menulis buku, jangan habiskan waktu jadi komentator, mulailah jadi pelaku. A visual acuity test is an eye exam that checks how well you see the details of a letter or symbol from a specific distance. Apakah ada lanjutan dari Pulang? digibook novel tere liye

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Touching part is when Bujang lost one by one of his loved ones because they were 'going home'. Paperbackpages.

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Never cross in my mind an indonesian author could made a incredible storyline like this, great plot, great life lessons, strong background. Aug 18, Izzal Muzaky added it. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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This book is so amazing. I also admire how Tere Liye describe something without blatantly tell about it. She said this book is abandoned by one of her seniors in school, because they are graduated already, and they let go of some things just like that in their rooms.

This book 'forced' me to change the page continuously Entertaining yet very inspiring. Tere Liye has 35 books on Goodreads with ratings. Return to Book Page. Pada akhirnya kita memang akan "pulang".

Buku ini juga mempunyai moral yang bermutu untuk kehidupan individual, dengan mengajarkan melewati contoh kasus dalam cerita tentang, "kita harus berjuang untuk kesuksesan dan kesejahteraan". I usually need days to finish a book but for this book was different. Amazingly, I can finished this book in less then my 24 hour. Jan 13, Hanny Farhanindya rated it it was amazing Shelves: For this book, I really love the way Tere Liye describe the final fight between Bujang and his opponent. Si Babi Hutan 2 books.

Freedom and the Future of the Internet and millions of other books are available for instant access. Although there it has a very predictable ending, it is still worth to read. Berapa jauh pun kaki melangkah, selalu ingin kembali. N rated it it was amazing Shelves: Lists with This Book. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Aug 02, Bunga Cesaria rated it it was amazing. Hanya kesetiaan pada prinsiplah yang akan memanggil kesetiaan-kesetiaan terbaik lainnya.

Jun 11, Karina Putri rated it it was amazing. The author try to uncover the true meaning of "pulang" - "come home". May 08, Rahma rated oiye it was ok.

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Mamah kamu nggak akan ngambek kalau kamu baca novel-novel Tere Liye. Tere liye im a fan!!! A personal record that I finished this book in a 6 hours.

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Still, I will read more and more of his work! The way Tere Liye wrote it still the same just like his other works: Although there it has a very predictable ending, it is digibpok worth to read. Mar 09, Re Arifah rated it really liked it.

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